quinta-feira, dezembro 27, 2007

desculpas e bolinhos de bacalhau!!

a quem me lê,

peço deculpa pela ausência prolongada... a minha viagem começou dia 14 de Dezembro, aterrei em Lisboa dia 15. No dia seguinte cheguei a casa de surpresa, para os anos da minha mãe, a quem ofereci uma cadela... depois começou o reboliço das visitas, as festas de electro e de drum (Miss Lee está de volta ao dancefloor!!!!!) e depois o natal... eu vou escrever um grande post, com detalhes, pormenores, curiosidades, explicações, etc... mas para já fica a nota: ESTE BLOGUE NÃO VAI ENCERRAR! A propósito do meu regresso alguns amigos perguntaram-me se ia continuar a postar aqui. Sim, vou. Obviamente que o blog vai sofrer algumas alterações estruturais, mas os conteúdos vão continuar a ser mais ou menos os mesmos! Para os próximos dois mese já tenho viagens marcadas (para o estrangeiro, claro) que me vão servir de inspiração para escrever. Além disso, vocês agora vão acompanhar a vida de uma jovem licenciada, à procura de trabalho ou emprego, sem dinheiro, cheia de sonhos, com vontade e esperança... Macau parece-me um destino do caraças, não??

fica o repto no ar, o blog está aberto de novo! Cuidado com a navegação...

terça-feira, dezembro 11, 2007

final report - Volunteer part

Ora, hoje é o meu último dia de trabalho no office! E é também o dia em que finalmente, acabei de escrever o meu final report. Este report é feito pelos voluntários e pelas organizações, para que as Agências Nacionais tenham mais ou menos uma ideia de como foram os projectos e tal...
Deixo-vos aqui uma transcricção da minha parte do relatório, porque acho que é um contributo importante para perceberem como me sinto hoje. Isso e uma dorzinha na amiglada esquerda!!

(Aconselho os ainda voluntários - Pipa, André, etc - a pensarem bem se querem ler! E se lerem a não se deixarem influenciar!!!)

A. Overall evaluation of the project
Please describe in detail your tasks in the host project.

In the first months I was working as journalism “teacher” for a group of youngsters (“Media School”). I was also taking part in a media project (UPDATE) were I was a part of the editorial team and a photografer. In both groups I worked in team builing and givin the youngsters an input of a experienced journalist.
In March I started preparing the english version of the organisation’s website. I prepared the contents, news, interviews, features, etc and a esquem of how it should look like. This is online since October and I updated it regularly.
In April, I started to be responsibe for the Eurodesk intranet for SiiN. So, I should check the intranet everyday in order to see if there were questions we could answer or partnerships that could be interesting for the organisation.
In the summer time as the youngsters were in holidays we had some more office work to do. In June, I had to get in touch with all foreign diplomatic representations in Estonia, in order to know if there were any financial programs to support youth work and non-governmental organizations. At his time, I prepared the project of a youth exchange (wrote the programme, learning objectives, etc) between Estonia, Portugal and Germany, to take place in 2008.
From September on I kept my activities with the english version of the website and the Eurodesk intranet. I also prepared the application for the nexts volunteers and took part in some institutional activities and contact making. I also started with other reporters class for russian speaking youngsters in a language school. This lasted from October to December.

Describe to what extent your EVS-project met your expectations.
My expectations were almost inexistent because I prefer to enter a project as a blank page. Therefore, my project met my expectations of a good relation between hard working and free time, responsability and self initiative. Nevertheless it did not met my expectations in what concerns to mentorship tasks.

Are you satisfied with the tasks you performed in the host organisation?

How would you evaluate the overall success of the project?
I would give it a very positive mark because I think I was a good help for the work in the organization and I think the youngsters really learnt something with me. Though there were times that I felt a bit lost, I think that those were also positive for it made me be more independent and self confident.

In case of a long-term project, please describe the development / changes in the project after your progress report.
There were no big changes, the work flow was basically the same.

B. Support from the sending organisation
Please describe your cooperation with the sending organisation. What support did you get from your sending organisation, e.g.: preparatory training (apart from the session organised by the National Agency), administrative assistance, regular contact during the voluntary service period, etc? Are you satisfied with the support you got from the sending organisation?

I am very happy with the support I got from my sending organisation. Before departure they answered all my questions and made me feel confortable to put even some more. We had an informal preparation meeting and a lot of conversations via e-mail that were very helpfull. They took care of all administrative issues.
During the EVS period I had a daily basis contact with the EVS coordinator. I also made a monthly report to inform about the activities and logistic/administrative issues. I also got a very important feedback in my personal weblog trough comments that have shown me interest and concern.
As I had no mentor in Estonia, I got a lot of help and answers from Portugal. I got the institutional support and the friendly concern, that were very helpfull.

C. Support from the host organisation
Please describe your cooperation with the host organisation. What support did you get from your host organisation, e.g.: personal support / mentor, technical skills training, language training, etc? Are you satisfied with the support you got from the host organisation?

I think I could be more satisfied with the support from the hosting organisation.
I never got a mentor, even after asking several times for it in the beginning of the project (when I realized I was not getting one, I quit asking). I think this was a very important poin that was not well thought by the organisation.
I also think I did not get the proper technical skills trainning. In what concerns to my area of knowledge (Journalism) I can’t say anything. But working with the Youth in Action Programm was totally new for me. All the answers and explanations I needed I got from my sending organisation.
I got a very good language trainning, but I was not able to devellop my language skills as much as I would have liked, also because I didn’t feel motivated by the people.

D. Practical arrangements
Were you satisfied with the following practical arrangements (if you were facing problems please explain);
• accommodation and board,

In the first month and a half I was living with my tutor. When applying for EVS I specifically wrote that I did not wanted to be hosted in a family (specially within a person working in the same place). I really think that live and work with the same person can be dangerous and not healthy. So, I found another place and moved. My hosting organisation set no problems in my moving, so it was ok. So, in the end I was totally satisfied

• your allowances,
Comparing to other volunteers I was very wealthy. I think that my organisation was giving me all the money they could, wich I sincerly appreciate.
In the beginning I was getting my allowances properly and always at the same time, so I knew with what I could count on. But the organisation suffered some (outside) problems concerning financing. Therefore, for half the project time I was getting my allowances after asking for it. This situation was extremely incofortable because it made me feel like a teenager, asking money from the parents. I don’t think I would have to ask when I would get the money, so I was really annoyed by this. I always got my allowances in the total amount, no problem with that. The thing was that I never knew when I was going to get it, wich made me feel inconfortable, insecure and annoyed.

• your insurance card,
I never got (seriously) sick in Estonia, so I never needed to use the card. The only time I went to the doctor was to make an eye check-up and I haven’t asked for the reimbursement yet.

• integration into the local community,
As a southwestern person I felt some difficulties in integrating myself into the local nordic/baltic/slavic culture. Nevertheless, as time went by and my language skills improved a bit I started making frieds with locals and taking part in cultural events. I think that my integration in the local community was made a bit harder due to the amount of foreigners in the city. This made that I spent more time with people from all over the world then with estonian people. Anyway I think I was integrated judging by the amount of invitations (to cultural or social events) that I got from Estonian people

• influence over the content of your EVS-project.
I believe I had great influence because I was given a big freedom in performing my tasks. I think that the lack of support concerning techical skills turned out to be a need for me to make things by myself, as I thought it was better. As I was the first volunteer in my project I guess that many times people did not knew what to do with me, so I had to make some decisions, present some ideas, always in a very free environement.

Outcome of the EVS-project
Please describe what you believe you achieved with this project in relation with e.g.;
• your ability to speak the language of the host country,

I am not able to speak fluently any of the languages of the country (russian nor estonian). I had trainning only in russian, and despite it was extremely good, it was not enough. Besides that I never felt motivated to speak it in the working place. Nevertheless I am able to speak both languages enough for the daily life, and to be polite. I think that due to being in the capital, where (almost) everyone speaks good english was also a factor for my lack of motivation (and need) on learning the language.

• personal development and social skills,
I think it is too early to speak about personal development. I believe that in a few months or years I
will be able to evaluate in wich aspects I developped myself as a person, but not now. As a social being I guess I am much more open, tolerant and pacient. Also my knowledge of international politics is boarden up and I got to know a part of history (Soviet Union) and culture (in ex-communist and nordic countries) that is almost totally absent in my home country.

• new skills that will be useful for finding a job later,
Once again I think it is too early to talk about this. I guess that in the future I will realize that some things that I learnt in Estonia were usefull. But right now I still don’t know wich one of those things it will be.

• your knowledge of other cultures,
I think that in this is the aspect where I have learnt the most. As I said before I spent a lot of time with the other EVS volunteers, from all over Europe. We have spent quality time together, exchanging aspects of culture like food traditions, music, movies, celebrating ways, religion, politics, history, etc. Then, of course living in a city with 2 different ethnic groups I got to learn about 2 different cultures and ways of living. 11 months is enough time to start understanding the ways of thinking and the cultural manifestations.

• your plans for the future,
For now I still have no spefic plans. I applyed for an intership for the European Parliament Information Department and I am still waiting for the answer. In case it will be negative, then I shall looking for a job, in my area, in Portugal or Spain.
For now, my only plan for the future is to help in my sending organisation. After being a volunteer I would like to do for other volunteers everything that it was (and was not) made for me.

• your European/international awareness.
I think that this point is connected with my knowledge of other cultures. Now I know better what unites us as european citizens and what set us apart in national identities.

F. Follow up
Please explain your possibilities to build on your volunteering experience. Do you expect help from your sending organisation to follow up your EVS-project? Do you plan to follow up your volunteering through a Future Capital-project?

Now, there is no Future Capital anymore. And as far as I know, portuguese National Agency do not provide a follow-up trainning. So, I hope I have some support from my sending organisation, the same support I had during the project time.

G. Personal comments
Please add here any other personal comments that you have: explanations, recommendations, etc. Would you recommend the European Voluntary Service to other young people? Why?

My only recommendation goes to the hosting organisations to be honest with the volunteers. Everyone knows that the real activities are not exactly as those that are described in the project description. I think that the sending organisations should inform the volunteers about this! And the hosting organisations should also do it before the volunteer left his/hers country.
I would also recommend to everyone that is becoming an EVS volunteer to talk to as many (ex-)volunteers as possible. I guess the exchanging of experiences is the best way to prepare people.
I would recommend EVS to other young people if they feel like they can do it. EVS is a very good time, an amaizing learning experience, but it can also be a hard lesson! I would recommend it to everyone that is strong enough to take a long time apart from friends, family and everything else that gives a safety feeling to people. To those that have already decided they want to become volunteers I would recommend them to choose the project first then the country. But also to pay attention to the place in the country. Not everyone can spend a year alone in a small village in the forest of a small country... the same way that not everyone can survive in a metropolis! There are lots of recommendations that I could make, but I guess that most of all I would recommend it to all young people I know, as a way to get to know themselves better and to become stronger people!

e é assim, a dura vida de uma quase ex-voluntária... o tempo voa!!

segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2007

as festas

na quinta-feira, chegou a Paula a Tallinn... e a cidade entrou em festa. É a minha última semana aqui... Na quinta fomos beber uns copos, na sexta foi a festa do bacalhau, regada com um Portinho de categoria. Essa noite acabou numa festa maluca, aniversário de um estoniano, numa sal de ensaios de uma banda, algures num complexo fabril...
Sábado foi a minha festa de despedia... bem, fotos para breve... é que não há palavras!
no domingo íamos só beber um vinho quente ao mercado de natal, à tarde... mas eram cinco da manhã e estávamos a morrer de rir, sem dormir, cheiiiinhas de vodka!!

as frases do fim de semana:
- welcome to my party!
- this is a gipsy party, it will end monday next week in Portugal!
- Welcome to the mad house!
- As saudades que eu já tinha da minha alegre casinha...
- dá-me um beijinho!
- para estes dentes só caviar!
- dance with me
- another one, please
- oh no, not shots, please!
- Não há estrelas no céu...
- Vive la fète!!!
- In Portugal, beautifull girls fall from the trees...

e mais que não me lembro... mas estou rouca de tanto me rir!

e é assim, a festa só acaba dia 17, em Portugal. Mas, esta festa (ou semana) de despedida não tem o mesmo nível que a minha welcoming party! Parece que o mundo inteiro se uniu para me agradar!!!

OFICIAL WELCOME MISS LEE PARTY!! Avec NUNO FORTE - o melhor dj nacional, Pendulum - best in galaxy... e EU - de volta aos dance floor!!!! Vai ser a partir! Afinal a puta da festa só acaba lá para Janeiro!!!

quarta-feira, dezembro 05, 2007

Feliz dia para mim e para os meus!!

hoje é o dia internacional do Voluntário... diz que sim

"International Volunteer Day takes place on December 5th each year and is officially recognized by the United Nations as a day on which volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication."

volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication

feliz dia para todos os voluntários que eu conheço e os que eu não conheço
feliz dia para os SVE. Para os que estão a caminho e para os que já acabaram!

tchin tchin!!

contagem decrescente

tenho andado um pouco desligada da escrita blogueira... mas perdoe-me quem me costuma ler.
Em menos de duas semanas estarei de volta a esse canteiro à beira mar plantado!
Estes últimos dias tem sido repletos de compras de souvenirs, fazer um grande caixote para mandar para casa por correio, ultimar as coisas no office, passar tempo com quem posso não voltar a ver tão cedo... É uma grande confusão porque tenho imensa coisa para fazer, e não tenho assim tanto tempo! Há imensa coisa que eu queria levar da Estónia: desde bolachas a pepinos, a cereais, vegetais, bebidas, etc. Queria fazer todo um cabaz de Natal só com produtos estonianos que nós não temos em Portugal! Mas isso representaria mais uma despesa, masi um caixote pelos correios, mais umas horas perdidas! Fico-me pelos chocolates, meias de lã e pins da ex-USSR!
Tem-me perguntado, tanto tugas, como estonianos e restantes habitantes do mundo, se estou triste ou feliz, excitada ou deprimida... pah, eu tou é ansiosa!! Já tentei explicar isso a muita gente! Não estou tão ansiosa como há um ano atrás, ainda tenho unhas! Mas as noites tem sido de reboliço na cama, sonhos agitados regados com molho de francesinhas e abraços!! O meu humor também já viu melhores dias... mas tudo há-de passar. E quando passar vou ter saudades da vida de voluntária, das conversas de surdos, dos intercêmbios culturais, dos choques pessoais, das noites passadas em francês, inglês, russo, alemão, com pitadas de chinês. Há muita coisa que vou ter saudades, provavelmente mais do que agora consigo imaginar! Mas não sei se serão mais coisas ou mais saudades do que as que tenho das coisas tugas, agora! É que, nesta altura do campeonato, após (quase) um ano tão longe, já tenho saudes de tudo. há aquelas coisas que são obrigatórias de consumir nas primeiras horas: como um café e um pastel de nata, um corte de cabelo, uma super bock, arroz de cabidela, tantos beijos e abraços quantos conseguir, partir(-me) (n)um dance floor, !!! Depois há as coisas que podem esperar mais um pouco como: ir ao Furadouro ver as ondas do oceano, comer peixe fresco, ouvir desconhecidos a falarem português, beber um Porto e um moscatel, insultar alguém no trânsito, ir as compras a uma loja de primeira mão...
Enfim, são estas e outras coisas qu enão me deixam dormir à noite... quer dizer, estas coisas são as que me fazem sonhar com as merdas mais absurdas do mundo!! O que não me deixa dormir é: Não saber o que vou fazer (profissionalmente) quando chegar a Portugal (além de ajudar na Vertigem em tudo o que puder), não saber se a Paula vai chegar amanhã às horas que deve, não saber quando vou voltar a ver estas pessoas que vou deixar, não saber se me vou aguentar em Portugal muito tempo... a ver vamos!!