first of all: Happy new year, dear readers!!
so, 2010 ended good! lots of good music in late november and december actually made the year worth it! in less than 3 weeks I attended Efterklang, Janelle Monae and Owen Pallet gigs. saw some other "small" concerts, but these 3, just took my breath away!! i wrote here about these going-to-Lisbon-to spend-money-and-attend-the-shows event! I loooooved it!!
after that, Xmas was actually pretty cool!! now that finally i am able to "visit" my mum in the graveyard, I had a more peaceful silent night! it was really important for me to visit her there and leave some flowers, wish happy birthday, merry xmas, etc! and I am quite proud of myself for actually being able to do so! this year Xmas was also different because we had 2 estonians guests over for Xmas! it was awesome!! of course that all the attentions laid on them and everyone was trying to get them to eat and drink! it was quite funny. I guess they enjoyed it as well! and for sure they will always have a story to tell about this big, fat, loud portuguese family and hosted them with kisses and hugs, food and drinks, some love and a lot of jokes!
of course Xmas always comes with a thousand of dinners... company dinner, friends dinner, girlfriends dinner... and these were also cool! for the first time I hosted a girlfriends kind of dinner that was so cool... we had such nice gifts!! It really amazes me to realize, by the gifts I get, how well (or not) my friends know me! of course my wish list helped a lot of people, but eve tough, some people managed to really surprise me! the post bellow shows only a few of the presents I got. there are 2 Chanel nail polish, one Truman Capote, some chocolates and some hearings missing!
but the season would not be completed without a true good New Year's Eve party!! and that is exactly what happened! a really nice dinner over a long-time-no-see-friend, and a massive drum n bass party afterwards! not everything is perfect, of course, and I here underline my public dislike according to some aspects of the organization!! so many parties have been hosted on that spot, and you still haven't come up with a nice way for the people to get in?? and, honestly, 5 people working on the bar when you sell thousands of tickets... that is just wrong and evil!! Profiting shouldn't be your only concern, I guess!! nevertheless, the party was really cool and, at 9 a.m. it ended like this:

after some really hardcore drum n bass (just like the Porto crowd seems to love), after the security guards talking to the dj's, after the lights were on, this was the scene and it is lovely!
of course, after such a good ending of 2010, 2011 could only begin in a positive way!! therefore, my only resolution for the new year is: put myself on the top of my priorities list! that's it!! I am no one's mother, so I should stop acting like one! should pay much more attention to myself, my needs, my dreams, my aspirations, my health, my everything!! that's it! keep in mind that good stuff happen to good people and that good people attract fellow ones! stop wasting time with small problems, relativize as much as I can and try keeping a positive attitude! everything else it's just profit!! happy new year!
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