quarta-feira, dezembro 05, 2007

Feliz dia para mim e para os meus!!

hoje é o dia internacional do Voluntário... diz que sim

"International Volunteer Day takes place on December 5th each year and is officially recognized by the United Nations as a day on which volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication."

volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication
volunteers around the world are recognized and celebrated for their contributions and dedication

feliz dia para todos os voluntários que eu conheço e os que eu não conheço
feliz dia para os SVE. Para os que estão a caminho e para os que já acabaram!

tchin tchin!!

1 comentário:

franksy! disse...

PARABÉNS!!! Especialmente aos BONS voluntários!!!

Beijinhos e C U Soon!!! ;)